Trump retracts and admits that there was Russian interference in the elections | news


The President of the United States ( USA ), Donald Trump accepted the conclusion of the US intelligence organs on the interference of Russia in the 2016 elections.

"I accept the conclusion of our intelligence community that the interference of Russia in the 2016 elections was produced ", were the words of Trump of the White House. "I have absolute faith in our agencies (of intelligence)."

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The Controversy

These statements emanate from the criticisms raised about the words that he said at a press conference with the President of Russia Vladimir Putin last Monday, July 16 in Finland.

"I do not see why it could have been ( Russia ) responsible for interference with elections" noted Trump at this opportunity

Also, the president commented on Tuesday that he had "misrepresented". "I said that I saw no reason why it should have been Russia but I should have said that there was no reason, but I thought it would not be so clear with a double negation. " Trump .

Despite having assured that he accepted the conclusion of the intelligence community on Russian interference the US president added another perspective, stating that "this could have been d & # 39; Other people In addition, there are many people there. "

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The Conclusion

The Department of Justice of USA 12 Russian citizens were indicted, including the 29-year-old girl Maria Bútina to be responsible intelligence officers actions interference in elections .

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