Trump warns that illegal entry into the United States with or without children has consequences


photo: EFE

(Caracas, July 29. News24) .- The President of the United States, Donald Trump warned this Sunday that illegally crossing the country's border has consequences , "with or without children" and called on Congress to amend the current legislation on immigration which he described as "worse and more stupid" in the world whole. 19659003] Read also: A magnitude 6.4 earthquake kills 14 people in Indonesia

"We must understand that there are consequences when people cross our borders, with or without children and many simply use children for their own sinister purposes "the president said in his personal Twitter account .

The White House has been the subject of much criticism since last April decided to adopt a policy of ] "Zero Tolerance" against the immigrants who have entered irregularly through the border with Mexico, a measure that was finally suspended in the middle of last month due to the huge criticism received.

Various government officials acknowledged that the purpose of this standard was a deterrent. Trump to build a border wall with Mexico or to toughen laws for not having the necessary support in Congress, despite the fact that Republicans control both chambers. "Congress must act to repair the worst and most stupid immigration legislation" worldwide, "added the president in his message, which ended with a laconic" Vote R ", with obvious reference to Republicans.

Because of this measure, approximately 3,000 minors were separated from their parents but, prior to a request from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Federal Judge Dana Sabraw determined that this norm was against the law and the order or the government to reunite families.

However, last Thursday, the deadline set by the judge was respected and although the administration has managed to gather 1,820 families, according to official figures, it remains to be known the future of 711 minors who remain in detention.

With the information of EFE [19659009] Post Views:

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