Trump's friends who became rivals


Washington, United States

Alienation between the President of the United States, Donald Trump and David Cohen his counselor and advocate for years, n & rsquo; Is the latest in a series of spectacular fights between the president and many of his closest associates.

– His right hand –

On paper, the post of Michael Cohen seemed perfect: "Personal Advocate President Donald J. Trump ."

But at Over twenty years, his role has gone much further and has included a whole list of services -voice, animator, pawn, secret and, sometimes, lawyer-

Nobody could talk about Trump or support him as much as Cohen, which went so far as to say that the president was for him less a leader than a "patriarch" or a "mentor".

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Their relationship began to suffer Cohen was not offered a position in the administration, but he did not get a job. completely collapsed when Trump held a resounding silence at the legal difficulties his lawyer was beginning to encounter.

Cohen had put the body on Trump several times, but it was clear that then, suddenly, recordings of private conversations were leaked and the tweets began to fly

"It seems to me that somebody an attempt to invent stories to get out of the quagmire (of taxis, maybe?), "wrote the president in a tweet, referring to the lines of taxis that Cohen owns and which are currently being of an investigation.

– The stratist –

there is another person who did so much to be elected Steve Bannon managing to form a coalition between right-wing and Republican party factors to bring him to power.

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At the White House, Bannon was the chief strategist of the president and the most important of his assistants.

Although he was blamed for internal problems and leaks that affected the early days of the Trump administration, could leave the White House relatively on good terms.

But his appearance in the book "Fire and Fury", a work against the president that the journalist Michael Wolff wrote, unleashed the fury of Trump.

The president called him "sloppy Steve", apparently because of his casual dress, and said that he "began to cry and beg for his work" when he was fired


– Senator –

Senator Jeff Sessions' support to Trump for the nomination of the Republican Party at the beginning of 2016 has given this unusual candidacy some legitimacy and some legitimacy.

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and Trump gave his support to become Attorney General.

But when Sessions said that he should leave office if Trump referred the number two prosecutor, Rod Rosenstein, as part of the investigation into the collusion between Russia and the campaign committee of Donald Trump, the latter exploded, claiming that he would never have put Sessions in this position, as he was "VERY weak" not to investigate Hillary Clinton.

But until now, he has not fired.

] – The woman –

Trump's first marriage, with Ivana Zelnickova did not end well at all

He was affected by the story Trump's love with Marla Maples, who was going to become his wife and whose romance was known in detail.

"The billion dollar disaster", as he called it a tabloid, ended with property claims, stories that left something to be desired with the son, Maples' claims about how much sex with Trump was good and that Trump did not agree with the breast implants that Ivana had placed.

Ivana says that she still maintains communication with Trump until twice a week and that she is her secret "counselor". "

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