Turkey: Six Miss Zaman Daily Journalists Sentenced to Prison | World


Six Turkish journalists of the Zaman newspaper, including some of the most prestigious chroniclers in the country, were sentenced to eight to ten years in prison for their alleged collaboration with the failed state coup d'etat. 2016 to Turkey .

The journalist Mumtazer Turkone and the director of the Ankara newspaper, Mustafá Onal, are among the convicts. An Istanbul court found that the defendants were "members of an armed terrorist organization" and helped, through their publications, prepare for the coup d'etat, attributed to the preacher's supporters network. exiled Fethullah Gülen.

The authorities intervened in the newspaper and changed its editorial line in March 2016, a few months before the coup, and finally closed it after the coup d'etat.

Amnesty International criticized the sentences and described them as "absurd" and "a systematic attempt to silence the press". The director of campaigns for Europe, Fotis Filippou, lamented that "once again, journalists are convicted under anti-terrorist laws without presenting more evidence than their critical writings".

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