Two engineering students were fired inside the UC


Valencia .- Two students from the University of Carabobo were wounded at the gun by criminals who attempted to rob them in the university cloister of Bárbula in the city. afternoon of Wednesday, July 4th.

The event was confirmed by Romero's rector Jessy Divo through his Twitter account @jessydivo where he reported that the underworld victims were identified as Johan Zerpa (22 years old) injured in the thorax and in the posterior cervical Benjamin Dumont (21) with posterior wound in the abdomen, in the lumbar region and in the occipital region.

The young people, both students of the Faculty of Engineering, were transferred to the emergency services of Dr. Angel Larralde University Hospital of Naguanagua and Dr. Enrique Tejera Hospital. the city of Valencia.

The rector of the UC recalled the complaints that the authorities of this institution of higher education addressed to the competent authorities before the increase of criminal acts inside the university campus . He asserted the lack of action by the security agencies and commented: "We have asked to be heard and taken care of because of the seriousness of the situation and the only thing we receive are from offenses and indifference ".

"What does the University of Carabobo have to do to comply with legal provisions and act firmly against crime: our students hurt us and we do not escape not to responsibilities, let us assume those who correspond to them and act for God ". state security agencies.

For his part, the dean of the Faculty of Engineering, José Luis Nazar, informed by the same social network that the students were attacked by gunshots when they left the UC fleeing the criminals.

"It's not just theft of wire, now it's an attempt to kill, when the police will do something for the university community," said the dean.

An official request

Last week, the Vice-Rector, José Ángel Ferreira, announced that the UC community had approved, in consultation with the intranet, the presence of security forces of university campuses of Bárbula campus in Naguanagua and La Morita in Maracay.

On June 27, the third consultation of teachers, administrative staff, workers and students ended. The participating universe was 12 thousand 602 people of whom 10,160 (80.62%) approved the votes; 733 answered no (5.82%) and 1 thousand 709 (13.56%) answered the "no opinion" option.

Ferreira recalled that this corresponds to an express request from the Ministry of the Interior, Justice and Peace; G / B Lesley Edgardo Reyes Chirinos, Commander of Internal Order Area No. 41 Carabobo; and General G / D Juan Carlos Do Boulay Perozo, Commander of the Carabobo Integral Defense Operational Zone No. 45.

This request was promptly dealt with by the university authorities with the aim of restoring the presence of the security guards that have been intermittent in Bárbula since 2012.

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