Two former Chavez ministers call for a "change of government" to save his legacy


Caracas .- Andrés Izarra and Jorge Giordani, two former ministers of the late President Hugo Chávez, call for an "urgent" change of government in Venezuela, recalling the death of the late president.

Izarra, who was Chavez's communication minister between 2010 and 2012, made an "urgent appeal" via Twitter on Saturday, "on the occasion of Commander Chavez's birthday" for " save his legacy "and the country, at the time he asked for a" change of government already, "Efe examined.

The one who was also chairman of the VTV state channel, Telesur channel under the Chávez government and tourism minister of President Nicolás Maduro between 2013 and 2015, said this after sharing an article from the 39, former Minister of Planning Jorge Giordani, head of the current state for years

In this article published on the portal Aporrea Friday, Giordani said as a "serious mistake" that Chavez named Maduro as his successor and said that it is "urgent" a change of government "as soon as possible", as he said, the "clique" which governs "intends to stay in power (. ..) costs what it costs to the country. "

" There is no time to lose Commander Chávez's memory, defeat a curse, the product of a bad decision , in unison who raises his sacrifice, his immolation, in favor of the best future of Venezuela and to ute humanity, "added Giordani.

The Maduro government dismissed several personalities close to Chávez, such as the former Minister of Education, Héctor Navarro; former Oil Minister Rafael Ramírez, whose whereabouts are unknown after accusations of corruption; and the former Minister of the Interior and Justice, Miguel Rodríguez Torres, currently imprisoned accused of "plots" against the government.

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