Two years after the coup attempt in Turkey


Mr. director:
Every nation has important moments of inflection in its history. In almost 100 years since the creation of the Republic of Turkey, we have strengthened our democracy, despite difficult times.

Today marks the second anniversary of the bloody coup attempt in Turkey. This day is now the Day of Democracy and National Unity.

Birthdays help us honor our lessons and learn from them. Also to remember those who support us; Chile, which has expressed exemplary support for Turkish democracy after the coup attempt, is undoubtedly a true friend of Turkey.

Two years ago, Turks of different origins the vile attempt of coup. Thanks to the determination of the Turkish people, the democratic regime of Turkey was saved at the edge of the cliff.

For many years, FETÖ manipulated the religious values ​​of the people to develop a secret and sinister structure that attempted to take control of the regime. secular and democratic.

This organization has created an extensive network of schools, shops, NGOs and media in Turkey and around the world. It would be a great mistake to regard this as a benign civic movement that promotes charitable work and interreligious dialogue. It should now be clear to all that FETÖ is a direct threat to the security of the countries where it is active.

The Turkish government has taken all necessary measures to combat these threats through the rule of law and democracy. However, dealing with such a dark and clandestine international structure is not an easy task, but we are sure we can count on the support of our friends.

Gülin Dinç
Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Chile

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