Uber takes over autonomous vehicles tests in "manual mode"


The transfer giant said that its specially equipped vehicles would be operating again for the first time after the testing halts due to a fatal accident in Arizona.

"We start with the cars in manual mode, with a specialist behind" While we look forward to testing our autonomous vehicle system, we see that manual handling is a first step. The tests will allow Uber to collect information in different scenarios that will be recreated in virtual simulations and develop more accurate mapping for vehicles.

autonomous vehicles in several places in the United States after the accident in Arizona, in which a woman The National Committee on Transportation Safety (NTSB) had reported in a preliminary report in May that the sensors of the car had detected the woman (who was walking) six seconds before the accident, but failed to activate

The NTSB then explained that Uber engineers had disabled this automatic braking system to "reduce the possibility of erratic behavior of the vehicle".

The woman was wearing dark clothes and walking together on a bicycle without lights when he crossed a road section with no lights.

In the new tests at Pittsburgh, Uber said, vehicles will have a management monitoring system to "ensure that specialists remain vigilant behind the wheel" The system will send an audible alert when it detects that the driver is inattentive.

Uber stated that its shockproof systems will remain activated during manual operation, activating the emergency brake in the event of a possible accident. EFE / RA

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