UCV Rector assured that the budget deficit of the institution exceeds 60%


It states that the amount requested is only approved by the National Executive, between 35 and 38%, the vast majority of which is for salaries and wages, and the rest that is intended for the disposal of students, such as meals, transportation

On the other hand, he stressed the considerable efforts made by teachers to continue their work and "survive" with a salary that is not enough to cover their basic needs.

"The salary of a teacher, it is a salary that does not allow him to access the basic basket, the minimum conditions of studies, the minimum conditions of his home, leisure, "he reiterated. In an interview given to the journalist Carlos Croes in his program Dialogue Con, broadcast by Televen

García Arocha insisted, that the monthly salary of the teachers is not enough for the purchase of the articles of the basic basket "today. a teacher who spends a great deal of time studying and getting involved in work and studies "to earn a salary that does not allow him to survive with dignity."

Faced with the problem of leaks Teachers who represent the vast majority of universities in the country, pointed out that it also influences that they retire to seek other means and conditions to improve their monthly income.

He also explained that a number of programs have been closed due to budget problems, but UCV, in Latin American universities occupies position # 28, and national universities occupy the first pos

Abandonment in Studies

The Rector of the Academic Institution assured that In Venezuela it became clear that many students have abandoned their careers to emigrate or seek Other alternatives, but commented that "it is very important that students complete their studies".

He pointed out that among the most important problems, there is the economic factor, the means of transport and the insecurity.

In the absence of relief in the direction of universities in the country recalled the mandate of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), which suspended the elections ten-day, rectors and students.

"We believe in the electoral alternative, but as long as they leave us, we will act as rectors, as rectors of our universities, expressing our opinions and demanding the respect that corresponds to everyone. between us ". 19659005] In another order of ideas pointed out the event in the Aula Magna of UCV authorized by the teachers' foundation of this research house called "United Venezuela do not does not surrender ", putting it as an example of unity.

that it "leaves a reflection that must be made by the people of Frente Amplio, and the Democratic Unity, and those who do not belong too, who join these working groups" which according to them can produce "an electoral unit". [19659005] Finally, he stressed that "the political opposition must always exist, because it is synonymous with democracy." One thought we do not agree, one party, we are not of a healthy mind, it is perhaps the reason why it has been so difficult to group different parts into a single trend ", he concluded.

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