Unambiguous signs that you are allergic to latex condoms, watch out!


You fully appreciate when the temperature goes up under the sheets between you and your handsome, but the sparks fall when, after a few minutes, you feel an enormous ardor and irritation in your vagina. Eye, if that's your case and use a condom, you could be allergic to condoms!

As you read it. This allergy is specifically to the latex of which the condom is made.

So leave your doubts and verify what are the unmistakable signs or symptoms that you are allergic to latex condoms, according to Mayo Clinic specialists:

– Vaginal Irritation

– Pruritus in the Vagina

– Blight of the vagina (inside)

– Urticaria

– Foul odor of the vagina

– Nausea

– Vaginal eruption

– Difficulty breathing

– Watery eyes

-Moqueo [19659002] – Weak or Fast Pulse

In case you notice one or more of these congenital latex allergy symptoms, it is important that you go with your gynecologist to determine if it is really an allergy and, if so, indicate the measures to follow.

But calm, if you are allergic to latex condoms, that does not mean you have no other alternative to protect yourself. of one a sexually transmitted disease and an unwanted pregnancy because there are polyurethane condoms.

Do not let sexual intercourse turn into torture and if you think you are allergic to latex condoms, solve the problem in a nutshell and enjoy your sexuality for sure!

Source: Salud180.com

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