Unicef ​​delivers more than 130 tons of supplies to Venezuela | news


The United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef by its acronym in English) reported on Monday provide more than 130 tons of supplies (food and medicine) a Venezuela, through a program developed in collaboration with the Venezuelan Government, in order to optimize the social programs which are already developed in the country.

The efforts of the Government of Venezuela and UNICEF benefited some 350,000 people, including women and children, who received medical and nutritional assistance.

In addition, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, some 30 tons of medicines and health products have been sent to the country to curb the spread of disease and improve the health of communities with fewer health facilities. resources.

According to Unicef, these products will be used to treat some 25,000 pregnant women, 10,000 newborns and 2,300 HIV-positive children.

As part of an expanded program by the agency, 40,000 pregnant women have access to rapid testing for HIV and syphilis, while 100,000 pregnant women and children have access to malaria treatment .

>> Venezuela invites United Nations human rights commissioner to the country

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