Unicef ​​warns that nearly 80 teenagers will die of AIDS every day by 2030


In the report "Children, HIV and AIDS: The World to 2030", the organization explained that, if research, prevention and treatment did not progress, the death rate of adolescents due to this disease would continue. to increase.

Last year, 430,000 children and adolescents were infected with this virus. El Espectador Archives

UNICEF on Thursday released the report "Children, HIV and AIDS: The World to 2030", which warns that about 360,000 adolescents will die of AIDS or a related illness. 2018 to 2030. there is a remarkable progress over the last decade in children aged 0 to 9 years, shows that adolescents have fallen behind in prevention efforts.

According to current projections and trends, the number of new infections in the population aged 0 to 19 is estimated at 270,000 by 2030. For deaths due to AIDS or other Related diseases, they will also grow from 119,000 to 56,000 currently by 2030, the year set by the UN to eradicate the disease. But, by adding up these accumulated deaths, the data show that nearly 80 teenagers will die each day until this year.

Currently, three million children and adolescents live with HIV worldwide. More than half are in southern and eastern Africa.

In this report, the organization explained that if research did not progress, prevention and treatment would continue to increase the death rate of adolescents due to this disease. Recommended increase the number of tests to diagnose the virus in children but do not know their serologya, in addition to implementing more diagnostic technologies or a community-based approach to reach adolescents. (Read: Stigma and Ignorance, Challenges in the Face of HIV / AIDS)

Last year, 430,000 children and adolescents were infected with the virus and 130,000 children and adolescents died. for causes related to this virus. To prevent the number of cases from multiplying, UNICEF highlights two major weaknesses in the response of the disease in children: the slow progress in prevention and the impossibility of facing the factor of the epidemic.

Henrietta Fore, executive director of Unicef, explained that "the report clearly shows that the world is wrong when it comes to ending AIDS in children and adolescents in the world." horizon 2030 (…) Programs to treat the virus and prevent its spread among other children, they are far from what they should be. We can not win the battle against HIV if we do not accelerate progress in preventing transmission to the next generation. "

UNICEF, in the report, emphasizes that they could avoid 2.0 million new infections between 2018 and 2030 if the global targets were met. And, in accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, by 2030, the number of new infections in children during its first decade of life should be halved, and in 29% of 10-19 year olds. (You can read: The WHO calls for non-discrimination in the fight against AIDS)

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