Unions and assemblies prepare for national strike


Representatives of the petroleum, electricity, food, education and health trade unions announced yesterday that they were taking steps to trigger a national strike and called parties, businessmen, unions, churches and other actors of society

"The governments of Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro have not built or repaired anything. With their disastrous policy and corruption, they have destroyed the infrastructure and the productive apparatus.They have placed the country in the deep crisis in which the workers and the population in general live, "said Iván Freites, spokesperson for the promoters of the strike.

The executive of the Single Federation of Petroleum Workers of Venezuela said that 100,000 bolívares a day "is not enough even to buy a bread or an egg". He informed that in recent weeks, they held assemblies of workers throughout the country, in which they approved to call a strike, whose date will be announced next week.

Freites reiterated that there is a great social conflict and work stoppages of doctors and nurses, university professors and electricians who demand salaries and decent working conditions. He added that they rejected the government's attitude of persecuting and criminalizing workers by accusing them of sabotage whenever the power goes out, and there is no no water or accident affecting communities.

He noted that the straw broke the camel's back. the detention of the four workers of Petróleos de Venezuela unjustly accused of causing the oil spill in the Guarapiche River, state of Monagas, which, in addition to ecological damage, keeps 70% of the population of Maturín without water. "We demand that they be released immediately," he said.

Freites insisted: "We must save the constitutional order and return to the country the legality usurped by an authoritarian and outlaw government that has sequestered the powers and the workers and all Venezuelans." [19659008]! function (e, t, n) {var, s = e.getElementsByTagName (t) [0]; e.getElementById (n) || (o = e.createElement (t), o.id = n, o.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_GB/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.7", s.parentNode. insertBefore (or, s))} (document, "script", "facebook-jssdk") [ad_2]
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