Up to 44 dead and 21 missing due to rain in Japan


The official record of torrential rains devastating much of western Japan on Sunday morning has left at least 44 dead and 21 missing, authorities said.

The last official record was 30 deaths. Even so, it is a provisional figure, after the rains that have occurred in recent days caused exceptional floods, landslides, floods and other damage. For its part, the media announced a death toll of 50 dead and 50 missing.

The region of Ehime (southwest) seems to be the most affected, although the prefectures of Hiroshima, Fukuoka, Okayama, Kochi, Kyoto and Gifu

Dozens of houses were partially or totally destroyed and thousands were flooded.

Television shows terrible images of mud and water currents since Friday, completely flooded neighborhoods, residents on the roofs of their homes. Some 48,000 soldiers (firefighters, police, soldiers) have been deployed on the ground since Saturday, but relief operations have been complicated by difficult access conditions. in certain places. Several hundred people have been isolated in rural areas after rains have leveled roads and bridges

The Japanese Meteorological Agency has declared the maximum alert for several provinces.

More than two million people received evacuation orders, but many of them could not leave their homes.

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