Venezuela approaches the world


The dream of returning to a world basketball championship 12 years later is getting closer to the Venezuelan national team, which, with its win on Monday against Chile, has made an important step towards China, a country that will host the tournament in 2019

Those led by Fernando Duró have won five and have fallen on one occasion in the first three pre-qualifiers to record 11 points, which places them at the top of Group B above from Brazil.

Amazónica also finished with 11 units, but the points differential did not benefit him and he did it with the vinotinto of the heights, that he gets better positioned at the next phase, in the one that the direct quotas in the world are defined.

In this case, Venezuela will maintain its score, which will put it at the top of a new group identified by the letter F, which includes Brazil and Chile, as well as the Virgin Islands, Canada and the United States. Dominican Republic. nicana, who was the group ranked three D.

For this round, the national team will have to face these last three teams in return matches, which will begin as a visitor in the US archipelago on September 13th.

The World Cup will advance the top three teams in terms of total and the fourth should be measured in draft with the fourth in the other group, the E, which counts as members the United States , Mexico, Panama, Uruguay, Argentina and Puerto Rico. 19659008]! Function (e, t, n) {var o, s = e.getElementsByTagName (t) [0]; e.getElementById (n) || (o = e.createElement (t), = n, o.src = "", s.parentNode. insertBefore (or, s))} (document, "script", "facebook-jssdk") [ad_2]
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