Venezuela reached 15 gold thanks to Molina and Garcés


The karate competition of the Central America and Caribbean Games Barranquilla 2018 ended yesterday with Venezuelan Omaira Molina and Claudymar Garcés who won gold medals in the kumite. His conquests allowed Venezuela to win 15 gold medals, in fifth place in the medal table

. In addition, they allowed the vinotinto delegation to win the Barranquilla championship with four gold, five silver and one bronze medals. Garcés beat the Dominican Republic Karina Díaz 9-5 for the scepter of 61 kilograms.

"I started the fight well even though it almost came back to me," Garcés explained in an IND press release. "I had to calm down, focus and thank God that everything is going well."

"It was all worth it, training morning, afternoon and night and crying," added the champion's daughter Claudia Sequera karate world. "It's an inexplicable emotion."

Molina, meanwhile, beat Mexico's Guadalupe Quintal 3-1 in the 68 kilogram division final.

"It was really a product of a lot of training and perseverance.It cost me several times to reach a final and this time I l '# 39; I enjoyed it, that's why I cried, because I had dreamed it … Nothing is difficult as long as you are consistent and thank goodness has happened ", said Molina after the awards ceremony.

Earlier in the men's field, Herick Granados was left in the bronze after falling in the semi-final against Anel Castillo de República Dominican Republic

Yesterday, Ildemaro Ruiz opened the Venezuelan bowling medal in Barranquilla in 2018 when he won the bronze medal in the single men's modality in Cali.

Ruiz accumulated 1,403 points and escorted Colombian Oscar Rodríguez (gold with 1,451) and Puerto Rican Francisco Valiente (1,426).

"This is a very tough competition, there are a lot of opponents of a great level, and for me it is a bronze that has a taste of gold. after that line of the last two lines, which was necessary to be able to take the medal, "he said." Now the team is losing some pressure because we already have a medal "

The Venezuelan men's softball team started with a 10-2 win against the Mexican team and today it will play at 1:30 pm against the Dominican Republic and at 4 pm against the Bahamas. .

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