Venezuela reiterates its desire for productive dialogue with Spain and other EU members


Caracas – The Venezuelan government reaffirmed Monday its willingness to conduct a fruitful and productive dialogue with Spain and the other countries of the European Union (EU), on the basis of mutual respect .

This position is expressed in a statement issued Monday by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, about the meeting held by the Venezuelan Foreign Minister, Jorge Arreaza, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation from Spain, Josep Borrell Fontelles, in order to exchange ideas on cooperative relations, said AVN.

The meeting was held in Brussels, Belgium, where the II Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Community of the States of Latin America and the Caribbean (Celac) and the European Union.

Subscriptions, full text:

Today, in the framework of the meeting of the Celac-EU ministers, the Minister of People's Power for Foreign Affairs, Jorge Arreaza, held a bilateral meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of the Kingdom of Spain, Josep Borrell.

The meeting was held in a framework of fraternity and mutual respect and the relevant aspects of the cooperation between the two countries were reviewed.

Minister Arreaza emphasized the Bolivarian Government's willingness to maintain a fruitful and productive dialogue with Spain and the European Union, framed in respect. Similarly, aspects of bi-regional integration between CELAC and the EU were examined.

The development of political events in both countries and the consolidation of democratic processes have been widely discussed.

Finally, the two ministers pledged to continue working to improve relations between Spain and Venezuela through a joint work program that prioritizes the interests of both peoples.

Caracas, July 16, 2018

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