Venezuela rejects Israel's violent actions in Palestine


Photo: Chancellery

(Caracas, July 23 – Noticias24) .-
The representative of Venezuela to the United Nations (UN), Samuel Moncada, ratified Monday the support to the Palestinian people, ] before that acts of violence and terrorism do not favor the violation of the international humanitarian law of the nation.

At the United Nations Committee for the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People the Ambassador rejected the crimes committed against the State of Palestine, while showing his solidarity with the Middle East population, press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic

" The prolonged Israeli occupation is gradually deteriorating the living conditions of the Palestinian population and degrades any possibility of death. Israel continues to oppress Palestinians and continues to nullify any development opportunities in the region, impeding the viability of a Palestinian state and preventing a two-state solution, "

The United Nations Committee for the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People met on Monday in the midst of the intensification of the blockade of the Gaza Strip. Gaza by the The Israeli Regime

The border crossing Kerem Shalom, the only freight route between Israel and the Strip, has been closed for several weeks and only food and medicine are passing through it . Neither the gas nor the fuel receives the transport authorization.

Faced with this panorama, Venezuela urges UN member countries to join efforts for peace consolidation in the Middle East Respect for the Right to Self-Determination and the rights of the Palestinian people.

"Recognition of the right of a sovereign, free and independent State to negotiate peace on an equal footing is a measure that must be taken as soon as possible to defeat the tragic, illegal, unjust and prolonged occupation, "he said.

With the information AVN

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