Venezuela reports the most serious case of malaria infections, according to the WHO


According to a report of the World Health Organization (WHO), nine countries of the Americas reported an increase of at least 20% of malaria cases higher than in any other region.

In the case of Venezuela, which eradicated this disease in 1961 and was considered at the time as a public health feat, became the most serious situation where President Nicolás Maduro refused to accept help in medical donations, amidst the economic crisis that is going through the country.

Malaria infections in Venezuela have increased since 2008, and according to Dr. Alexandre Macedo de Oliveira, a researcher on malaria at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Venezuelans carry the infection with them when they cross the border to Guayana, Colombia and Brazil, according to the New York Times.

"The political will is the most important aspect to eliminate malaria. We have effective tools: mosquito nets, vector control methods, treatments. point, we see the end of the tunnel, and then we risk losing our commitment, "said Dr. Marcos Espinal, director of the communicable diseases department at the Pan American Health Organization.

that the main obstacle to the fight against malaria is complacency, that is to say that politicians affect national resources to other priorities as the case of infections has been reduced.

the accelerator to the maximum, if you do not stay intensely focused on the subject, malaria will return " said Luis Alberto Moreno, president of the Inter-American Development Bank." that a Venezuelan government is ready to do something, it is difficult to do anything but wait. "

Malaria, also called malaria, is a disease of the blood contracted by a woman. Infected mosquito bite which kills approximately 445 000 people each year, mainly children, while the tools and treatments for its prevention are profitable and known.

However, this fight against its spread is has become more complex in rural areas of Central America, where communities do not have immediate access to health care services, and detection and disruption are a challenge.

Source : Suma rium

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