Venezuela stands ready for a "productive" dialogue with Spain and the EU | In the agenda


  Photo: Archive

Photo: Archive | EFE

Venezuela announced today Spain its interest in maintaining a "productive" dialogue with this country and the other countries of the European Union [19659005] after a bilateral meeting Brussels between the Foreign Ministers of the two countries, Jorge Arreaza and Josep Borrell respectively

According to a statement issued by ] Chancellerie Venezuelan, Arreaza "stressed the will" of the government chaired by the chavista Nicolás Maduro "to maintain a fruitful and productive dialogue with Spain and the European Union , framed with respect. "

In addition, "the development of political events in both countries and the consolidation of democratic processes have been discussed at length," adds the text.

The meeting, which took place "in a framework of fraternity and mutual respect", served to examine "bi-regional integration" between the EU [19659005] and the entity which groups the nations of

was examined. America Celac .

"The two ministers pledged to continue working to improve relations between Spain and Venezuela through a joint work program that favors the interests of both peoples," concludes the statement

Venezuela's relations with Spain have muddled last January as a result of the European Union's sanctions against seven top officials of the Maduro government, to which the country responded by declaring the Spanish ungrateful ambassador and provoking a reciprocal measure.

But the relationship was normalized in April, with the return of the ambassadors Jesús Silva to Caracas and Mario Isea to Madrid .

The former head of government of Spain Mariano Rajoy criticized the leadership of Maduro and did not recognize his reelection on 20 may, considered In the elections, Maduro said in June that he hoped that the new Spanish government, led by the Socialist Pedro Sánchez "could build a new vision" of his country. and open "new politics of dialogue" with the South American nation


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