Venezuela tackles the blockade and sanctions with international alliances


Photo: Twitter @jaarreaza

(Caracas, July 7, News24) .- "The Venezuelan government and people face maneuvers to block their economy by strengthening their relations with the powers that bet on a multipolar world , "declared the Chancellor of the Republic, Jorge Arreaza .

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" Venezuela has allies and brothers from around the world who accompany us in the face of attempts at sanctions and Russia, China, Turkey, India and many other powers are consolidating their relations with us despite the threats, "he said in the first economic dialogue between Venezuela and South Africa. , held in Johannesburg on South African territory, warned that the actions promoted by the United States, which aimed to encircle Venezuela by actions against institutions such as Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), and the European Union of a diversified productive model, the purpose of the Bolivarian Economic Agenda

"C is in this context of development of our productive forces" that " sanctions and blockade attempts are registered, an illegal attack without any siege in international law ", and seeking to distance investment from our country," said the representative of the executive.

Even in the middle of this siege, added the Chancellor, the country continues to promote the 15 driving forces of the agenda, as the miner, who intends to strengthen the sovereignty of the country over its natural resources for the development of the country. economy and protectio model

Arreaza visits South Africa as part of the South-South Dignity Tour which aims to strengthen cooperation between Venezuela and African countries

With AVN information

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