Venezuelan boy with measles admitted to Peru


The patient arrived in the country with his relatives on the north coast and was treated in a hospital in Lima. The baby had, in addition to the viral symptoms, pneumonia. Health authorities in Peru have activated an epidemiological barrier to prevent the spread of the disease

Photo: Courtesy

Caracas .- The Ministry of Health of Peru warned against a case of measles imported from Venezuela. According to informed health authorities of the country, it is about a boy of one year who arrived at the nation with his family by the north coast of the South American nation

The boy introduced rash, fever and cough and was immediately taken care of in the pediatric ward of a health center in Lima, capital of Peru where he is developing favorably. The baby also had pneumonia, a complication associated with the viral disease. After notification of the case, the Epidemiological Surveillance System of the Department of Health activated an epidemiological closure to prevent the spread. The country had already notified two cases of the disease

Measles, a highly contagious disease, resurfaced in the Americas after a successful vaccination campaign to eradicate the disease in the region. This allowed the World Health Organization ( WHO ) to declare that America was the first continent to stop the advance of the virus that is prevented by vaccines. In 2017, four countries started to register new cases, among which Venezuela .

The disease in Venezuela resurfaced in the state of Bolivar during the first week of July 2017, after ten years of the last epidemic outbreak and seven months after the Pan American Organization ( OPS ) has granted the country a certificate declaring the territory free from the virus. The transmission of the disease is still active and in one year it has spread to 22 entities in the country, despite the actions undertaken by the Ministry of Health, which are supported by the PAHO. Low immunization coverage in Venezuela facilitated the resurgence of measles.

Of the 11 countries in America that reported confirmed cases of measles in the first six months of 2018, Venezuela accounts for about 80% of morbidity. The concern has forced the OPS recently to seek urgent measures from Venezuelan health authorities to halt the advance of the disease, which has claimed the lives of 35 people affected, including 33 in the state of Delta Amacuro, where the incidence is the highest. figures provided by OPS .

The spread of the virus began to pose a transnational threat, since Venezuela which is going through a health crisis, has exported 233 cases since last January. measles confirmed in Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador. Peru becomes the fourth country to receive imported cases. The spread to other countries is due to the marked migratory flow of Venezuelans to other nations that has been recorded in recent months.

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