Venezuelan oil maintains an uptrend and closes at $ 69.65 | In the agenda


  Photo: Archive

Photo: Archive | EFE

The price of a barrel of Venezuelan crude maintained its upward trend and closed this week to 461.76 yuan (69.65 dollars), against 440.47 yuan (67.14 dollars) which were cited between 22 and June 29, reported today Ministry of Petroleum .

In response to the financial sanctions of United States against certain officials of the Government of the President Nicolás Maduro the Executive announced in September that he stopped using the dollar as the reference currency, which is why he then proposed the price of oil in the Chinese currency

. Venezuela for the calculation offered this Friday is 6.63 yuan for a dollar, while last week was 6.56 yuan per US currency.

The prices of the three other baskets of reference They are mounted, informed the ministerial body.

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) fell from $ 72.76 to $ 75.24, while the Intermediate of Texas increased from 70.68 at $ 73.86 and Brent from $ 76.41 to $ 77.98

In his latest report, OPEC states that oil extractions in the country fall in May to 1.39 million barrels of oil, 2.7% lower than the previous month

According to secondary sources cited by OPEC, Venezuela's production has dropped 21% since the third quarter of 2017.

that the Orinoco Oil Belt has nearly 300,000 million barrels of oil, making this region host of the largest proven reserves in the world.

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