Venezuelans in Peru: the Ministry of Labor publishes a resolution on fixed work | recruitment | Society


The Ministry of Labor (Mintra) issued a resolution that establishes provisions for the hiring of [Venezuelans with Temporary Residence Permit (PTP) or the Extraordinary Work Permit Act – provisional, which was published in the newspaper El Peruano

The ministerial resolution explains that the employment contract to which it refers is subject to the working regime of private companies

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Said employment contract as well as their extensions and modifications, are celebrated in writing and for a fixed term, and must not exceed the validity of the Law on the Interim Work Permit or PTP

It should be noted that the loss of validity of the Temporary-Temporary Work Permit Act or the TPP, so i that the non-issuance of this permit constitute and a resolutory condition that automatically extinguishes the employment contract.

The Ministry of Labor entrusted the Labor Inspectorate with monitoring compliance with the provisions of the Ministerial Resolution . last June, the number of Venezuelan citizens in Peru increased to 330,000 with a daily income of 3000, although not all of them stay here but transit to other neighboring countries, reported National Superintendence of Migration. 19659005] Below you can read the resolution :

Resolution by La República on Scribd

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