Venezuela's crude pumping fell in June


Venezuela's oil output fell to 1.34 million barrels a day in June, 47,500 barrels less than in May, according to figures from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.

The figures confirm the prolongation of the Petróleos crisis in Venezuela, with a drastic drop in its extraction and sale that takes several months

The level of production in June, published by OPEC in its monthly report based on projections from independent institutes, is 571,000 barrels a day. below the 2017 average of 1.91 million barrels per day.

The official data provided by the Venezuelan government to the organization are somewhat above, although they reflect the same trend: a pumping level of 1.533 million barrels in June, with a monthly decline 2,000 barrels a day.

The country's production, which has the largest proven reserves in the world, is at the highest level. Over the past three decades, except for the last few months of 2002 and early 2003, when a strike in PDVSA dropped to less than 100,000 barrels.

Venezuela, which had become the third largest producer of L & # 39; OPEC took eighth place among the 15 members, with 4.15% of the total volume of oil produced by the group last month.

The situation reflects the lack of investment in the oil industry due to the severe economic crisis that is going through. The problem is compounded by the sanctions imposed on the Venezuelan government by Washington, which prohibit US companies from negotiating new debts issued by the Venezuelan state and its state oil company

PDVSA has been declared in suspension payments by international financial agencies. delays in the payment of the maturity of many of its obligations.

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