Vice Ministry of Criminal Investigations offered a workshop on the prevention of the crime of kidnapping – Correo del Orinoco


Commissioner Humberto Ramírez pointed out that the incidence of crime, in terms of this scourge, has been reduced by 55.06% nationally, due to the implementation of the plan national anti-extortion and kidnapping led by the Ministry of People's Power. Foreign Relations, Justice and Peace


The Deputy Minister of Criminal Investigations, Commissioner General Humberto Ramírez, yesterday stressed the importance of keeping the public informed of the issue of crime prevention in Canada. 39, anti-extortion and kidnapping which, his trial, "affects the entire population and causes damage to Venezuelan families", so he called to report to the security agencies who are involved in this scourge for the 39, attack immediately.

This statement was made public during the execution of the prevention workshop against kidnappings for journalists of public and private gods, where they received a series of recommendations to avoid d & # 39; to be a victim and at the same time; serve as multipliers to minimize the risks of the crime of kidnapping and extortion.

Ramirez stated that the main task is to report to security agencies, including the Body of Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigations, the National Anti-kidnapping Command Bolivarian National Guard (Conas), Public Defense and the Ministry public or you can also make your complaint by the phone numbers, Fri 911, 0800SECUESTRO (7328378), 0800CICPC00 or 0800CONAS00.

He stressed that they will be guaranteed protection of his identity to all those who claim to have been victims of kidnapping or extortion. In this regard, he emphasized that timely reporting makes the response and immediate response of the security agencies more effective.


Deputy Minister Ramírez pointed out that the Bolivarian government had implemented the national anti-extortion and kidnapping plan, to structurally address this crime, and reported that for this five strategic axes were created where the main task is prevention and communication.

Among other topics are: institutional strengthening, social integration, attention to the victim and tactical measures. Ramírez stressed that "all these actions lead to the fight against impunity, the National Executive through the Ministry of Popular Power for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace, seeks to respond immediately to the people. [19659007] REDUCTION CRIME

In this regard, he said that thanks to the effectiveness of the security agencies and the support of the community in general, the allegations have been effective, either confidentially, where the preservation of his identity is guaranteed, this year 2018 has reduced the crime of kidnapping nationwide by 55.06% compared to 2017.

While in the state of Miranda, the crime abduction was reduced by 66 percent, considered the most precarious state of the country.


Deputy Minister Humberto Ramírez also informed that more than 100 multipliers have already been trained, Investigation Corps Scientific, Penal and Criminal, National Command Anti-kidnapping of the Bolivian National Guard (Conas), Public Defense and Public Ministry, "transmitting the message to educational centers, the organized People's Power and public and private institutions", [19659007] ATTENTION TO VICTIMS

With regard to attention to victims, Deputy Minister Humberto Ramírez reported that the Mpprijp has a comprehensive care office, located in Venezuelan Avenue. El Rosal, with 40 professionals in different fields: medical, legal and psychological, to help victims of the crime of kidnapping and their families.

T / Deivis Benitez
F / Luis Graterol
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