Victory in the World Cup encourages a France in difficulty


Paris World World and more World. That's the only thing that was pronounced Monday France .

"Eternal happiness" wrote the sports journal The Team on the cover, summarizing the state of mind of many who do not. I can not imagine that this euphoria will end.

France was preparing to host its national team with a parade on the Avenue des Champs Elysées in the center of the capital, Paris, where dozens of fans were celebrating the 4-2 win against Croatia in the Moscow final on Sunday.

President Emmanuel Macron was exultant both on the court and in the locker room with the players, and hopes that the sporting victory will also give him an impetus.

The French are however more in love with the players, like Kylian Mbappe (19 years old) or Didier Deschamps (coach). The technician is the protagonist of a parody circulating on the Internet proposing to change the name of the most famous avenue of Paris by "Deschamps Elíseos".

The victory at the World Cup allows young French people, like those living in the poor suburbs where many champions have been raised, to "dare to believe their dreams" said the Minister Laura Flessel on the Europe-1 radio station.

The excitement of the World Cup was still alive during the rush hour Monday morning.

In the Belleville neighborhood, east of Paris and from where we can see the Eiffel Tower in the distance, Vincent Simon said: "Both teams deserve to win , France won, and it's good for the country. "

Another Parisian, Florian Scaven, could only see parts of the finale in the hospital's maternity ward where his wife gave birth during the game "We vibrated with the speakers of the street.We are happy.Vive France."

This is the second World Cup for France, and the victory came at the time of need of the people.

"He represents huge things," said Goffrey Hamsik, wearing a cock hat, the national symbol of the country, and a shirt with number 10 of Kylian Mbappe, the emerging star that has left the suburbs of Paris Bondy.

"In the last three years, we have had a lot of problems in France," he said, recalling deadly extremist attacks. "It's good for morale, here we are all united, we mix, there is no religion, there is nothing, and it feels good." [19659004HundredsofpolicemeninriotgearkeptadiscreetrowinthesidestreetstocontrolthepartygoersIngeneralcelebrationsinFranceendinbrokenwindowsandotherdamageandSundaynightisnoexceptionandatonepointteargaswasusedintheChamps-ElyseesSome4000policeofficerscontrolledtheareadefinedforthefanswhichwasatthemaximumcapacityof90000peopleatthemeetingthenmovedtotheChamps-Elyseesandthesurroundingstreets

At dusk, the Eiffel Tower illuminates dates 1998-2018 to remember the two World Cups in France. In the bow of the Arc de Triomphe the national colors were projected, the rooster faces the winners and the motto "proud to be Blue", or French.

The celebrations took place in the rest of the nation.

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