Virgin – Tuesday, July 24, 2018: a new and happy love scene


Astrological News: The Moon moves from Sagittarius to Capricorn. The planets Mars, Saturn, Neptune and the planetoid Pluto continue to demote. The planet Venus is in direct transit through your Virgo sign, as well as the planetoid Ceres. Mercurio, your regent, is direct in the sign of Leo.

Do not let this day pass without telling those you love what they mean to you because sometimes, even if you feel it, you enclose these feelings and those who are at your side. If they are not very sensitive, they may feel excluded. Do not exaggerate either because overwhelming displays of affection, especially in public places, tend to create socially embarrassing situations. With your sense of humor and your intuition, you shave the rough edges and restore the lost confidence. If you are thinking of buying a house or a car, that's the perfect time. You'll have what you need, take advantage now that even your Mercury Mercury is direct because after 26 it will begin a retrograde transit and things will be complicated a little.

Leo's Compatibility with Other Signs


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It's possible that in recent days you've said or done something, maybe to be unconsciously, which caused discomfort or disgust to be loved. Follow your intuitions and at the same time act firmly so that you can repair the emotional damage you have done without realizing with your loving partner or with someone who loves you and has unknowingly hurt you. Modify any error, you are at the hour, Virgo.


The confluence of your regent and the lunar effects of this day can cause health problems if you suffer from nervous disorders. Avoid apprehension and do not be influenced by the negative comments of disturbed and hypochondriac people.


A sudden idea arises in your objective and analytical mind and you want to put it into practice right away, Virgo. Your creativity is on the rise, but you have to combine it with the convenience and your current reality. You can soon do something interesting in your work.

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Money and Fortune

The impulses of today can lead you to profits, or losses. The ideas that come to your mind are new, and if you apply them, it will work, but if you work emotionally, you will lose money especially if you buy what you do not have. need.

Astral biorhythm of today

Cosmic dynamics from which you should take advantage: the ease with which you must express and repair any situation of past misunderstanding that could be produced between you and another person.
Dangerous trend today in your sign of Virgo: let yourself be led by a reckless and wasteful person who makes you buy what you do not need.
What should I avoid ?: Obstinacy, stubbornness to want to be right and not to give up the arm to twist or give an argument.

Couple 's forecast for today Tuesday

The best relationship today: This Tuesday, the best relationships are occurring in your sign, in your earth element and in the world. Water element. There is also a good correspondence with Gemini.
The most tense relationship: the tensions that there would be with Aries or with Aquarius.
Your current compatibility: it is good with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, ie telluric signs and also with water, Cancer and Scorpio foremost.
If you are single or single: you will be very happy to receive news from who you were up to here, but begin to indicate signs of approach.

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