Walnuts and almonds improve sperm quality in men



Pollution, smoking and the increase of overweight and obesity rates are some of the major problems that decrease the quality of human sperm .

The review, Human Reproduction warned that a slow but steady decline in sperm quality in males of the western world is due to the aforementioned problems.

this week announced that the addition to the diet of nuts, almonds and / or hazelnuts increases the quantity and improves the vitality, motility and morphology of the sperm.

This information was confirmed by the director of this research presented as part of the XXXIV Annual Meeting of the European Society of Embryology and Human Reproduction (ESHRE) which celebrates in Barcelona, Albert Salas-Huetos

"Our work shows the beneficial role of continuous consumption of nuts on the quality of sperm and demonstrates the need for further research for the establishment of specific dietary recommendations for the males."

Salas-Huetos explained that it has not yet been proved that this could give better results to men who are trying to conceive a baby naturally or by techniques of in vitro fertilization (IVF).

"We still can not say it based solely on the results of our work, but a growing body of evidence suggests that changes in lifestyles, if followed by a healthy diet, could help Design, and, of course, nuts are a key part of the healthy Mediterranean diet, "he said.

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