Washington blocks the China Mobile operator of the US market


Washington .- The US Department of Commerce recommended not to allow the application of China Mobile operator to enter the telecommunications market of the world's leading power, citing concerns of national security.

"After an important relationship with China Mobile, concerns over risks above public policy and national security interests in the United States could not be resolved," said -Secretary to Trade David Redl in a statement. AFP indicated.

US tariffs at billions of dollars worth of Chinese goods are expected to begin to be enforced on Friday, and Beijing has promised retaliatory measures.

Redl added that the Ministry 's telecommunications and information agency had recommended to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the regulator, to reject China Mobile' s request for a license. offer a telephone service between the United States and other countries.

China Mobile was seven years old waiting for approval.

The Chinese government on Tuesday denounced a "cold war mentality" on the part of Washington.

US authorities "should not suppress Chinese companies in this way," Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang told reporters . "On the contrary, they should offer them fair and favorable treatment."

The Donald Trump government sanctioned the Chinese telecommunications group ZTE, banning US companies from selling key software parts and components for seven years.

ZTE pleaded guilty in March to false statements about the illegal sale of goods in Iran and North Korea, and received $ 1.2 billion in fines.

Last month, the US government agreed with ZTE to lift sanctions in exchange for $ 1.4 billion in additional fines, but the Senate voted in favor of maintaining the ban.

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