We estimate that Venezuela's production will fall to 1,000,000 barrels


Lejla Villar, an economist and OPEC analyst at the US Energy Information Administration, said in an interview that he foresaw a drop in crude output to 1,000,000 barrels a day by the end of 2018 and 700,000 barrels by the end of 2019.

"A year ago, I thought that Venezuela's oil production would reach the threshold of its minimum and would be dedi- cated. a million barrels a day.Now, I estimate that production could be located in the 700 000. Unfortunately, the situation in the industry worsens, "explained Villar in an interview granted to S & P Global Platts . "For this year, we estimate a reduction of 600,000 barrels per day of production, and probably 400,000 barrels a day to next year, perhaps in the last quarter of 2019 ", said the official EIA

The economist said that the problems of the Vene zuela are structural.

"Venezuela's problems are so deep that even the rising prices of crude oil do not improve the situation of your industry.They do not have qualified personnel, they have not no drills, spares and mldr; last month's price increase has not changed this situation "

Villar said that he had never seen a similar collapse in the production of an oil country.

"We have never seen a collapse in the production of an oil country, that has not been in a massive war, like the fall that is occurring in Venezuela. We have never seen a collapse so hard and fast, nothing so serious as that, "he said.

El Dato

Venezuela's oil production is slightly higher than that of the US state of New Mexico. According to the information of S & P Platts . Crude production in Venezuela is at its lowest level for three decades

With the information of S & P Platts and La Patilla

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