"We had to break a glass to go out", user of line 2 of the Caracas metro


"This is how we are in the Metro de Caracas . We had to get off, the car was damaged and we were going through the wiring. break a glass to be able to leave, "a video user told us in tunnels of line 2 this Monday, July 9, after a electrical failure caused this The train will stopped around 11:00 am

The video of the user allows us to see how many passengers are moving in subway tunnels in the middle of the dark looking for the exit, while the voices are heard from people shout from one to the other:! Market! Hurry up C is a mass of people who walk without being able to distinguish themselves if they have the advice of a qualified staff to deal with these contingencies.

At noon, the Caracas Metro reported his account to ] Twitter which was presented "a train without traction" in the station Artigas, de line 2. They also said that operational personnel came to solve the problem and that a Metrobus route for the transfer of users would be activated.

At 2:21 pm, the company stated that the system was "100% operational" at all its lines and stations

Recurring failures

An employee of the state company confirmed to [19659009] Effect Cocuyo that the passengers of the train, in desperation, broke a window of the wagon so this It should be removed from circulation. In the video broadcast on social networks, it is understood when the user who records the images said that they had to leave by a window after having broken it.

The source pointed out that in Line 2 there were constant power outages and that , in part, this is due to wire flight "in the area discovered between Mamera and The Adjuntas ".

He also explained that when such failures occur, the protocol states that power must be cut in the rails . However, he said that there was already an opportunity where the system to lower the current breakers failed, due to the lack of maintenance equipment .

Similar Events

Until 2018, according to the record Efecto Cocuyo, at least two other similar events occurred in the Caracas metro.

Last Friday, March 9, at 7:00 am, a power outage in the Chacaito Station of Line 1 caused the train to stop and the friction between the train and the the rails caused the filling of the platform with smoke

A month later, Tuesday, April 3, a train was triggered at the station of Capitol and caused a big delay. Operators had to recommend to users to use surface transport during the resolution of the failure.

Photo: Referential.

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Artigas, Capitolio, Capuchinos, Chacaíto, Traction failure, Electrical failure in the metro, line 2, Metro de Caracas, Metrobús, Operational personnel, Metro, transport, Public transport, tunnels

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