We must apply the full weight of the law before it is too late – Correo del Orinoco


Venezuelan journalist José Vicente Rangel, announced Sunday in his television show on Televen, "José Vicente Hoy", that it is important that the state once and for all complies with the responsibilities and the laws that bind national regulations, therefore, he stated that "the current government must enforce the full weight of the law before it is too late."

Rangel noted that it exists a deeply rooted tendency in institutions and citizens to ignore the obligation to enforce the law,

"There are problems that the country faces because of non-compliance with the law or its non-application, a complicated situation when critical situations arise, such as those facing the country ".

The journalist emphasized in his analysis that a clear civic conscience is necessary to do the collective and individual duty, to enforce the law to respect and to comply with it, that degree of conc , he said that today, we are faced with the imperative to demand the exercise of the law as it corresponds to a state of law, "the way of To prevent the force and arbitrariness of replacing the fundamental standards of operation of a Rule of Law, one could argue, without risk of equivocation, that by applying the law, firmly and unambiguously in depth, it will be possible to prevent abuses in economic affairs sponsored by social sectors of weight and groups working directly. with crime. "

He continued:" This speculation with the prices of basic necessities, both food and medicine, currency attacks, induced inflation, and so many other ways of life. To attack the citizens, it can be eradicated from a strict, permanent and well-enforced application of the legal resources available to the Venezuelan state. "

million. Rangel pointed out that many of the crimes that are committed daily in the country have their origin in the weakness or division of the state and the government in turn in front of the sectors and individuals who profit directly from the crime.

T / Jhon Rubio
F / Archive
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