We tell you how (and with what) Meghan and Harry thanked the guests who attended their royal wedding


On one of his faces, the silver-colored card shows a black and white photograph of the couple, taken by the official photographer, the Polish Alexi Lubomirski . On the back, you can read a printed message,

"The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are overwhelmed by all the incredible letters and cards that they have received for their wedding and are particularly excited that you have taken the trouble To write one, this has been a detail and his Royal Highnesses really appreciate what he did, that is why they send him his best wishes . "

Letter, sent with the seal and stationery of the Kensington Palace, was shown in photos on the Instagram account & # 39; Royal Letters & # 39;; specializing in the preservation of royal missives, the 39, Victorian times to the present day.

This is the second thank you card that the couple sent, as they made a similar gesture with those who praised them for their commitment, in November 2017.

After receiving a multitude of notes handwritten and letters, the couple a thank-you letter through the Kensington Palace that read: "The Prince Harry and Mrs. Meghan Markle are excited because taken Wishing you good luck for your upcoming wedding, he was very thoughtful and appreciated by your Royal Highness and Mrs. Markle who send you their warmest thanks and best wishes. "

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