Wearing a tie does not allow good oxygenation and could damage your brain: Your doctor


Apparently, after this study, many men will want to change their dress code to the office, but they want to damage the brain, because German researchers claim wearing a tie causes socially desirable strangulation.

We know that wearing a tie is essential for a lot of work and also for your wardrobe, however the study " Should I stop wearing a tie? " indicates that the # 39 also use tight reduced cerebral blood flow which could damage the brain.

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Wearing a Tie Could Damage the Brain Due to Blood Flow

Scientists in the Hospital University of Schleswig-Holstein [1945recruited30volunteersforthisstudyhalfofthem ba tie and the other half not, these 15 received instructions from to attach a knot and tighten it to the point of causing boredom.

Subsequently, the volunteers underwent three scans consisting in: letting go of the tie with the unbuttoned neck, another with the button-down collar and the last one with a loose tie and an unbuttoned collar. Among the results, it was found that men who used the tie had a lower brain flow, compared to those who did not wear a tie.

We suggest: 3 dangerous modes that harm the health In this sense, the ideal is that the wearing of a tie allows the blood to flow unhindered to the brain so that it receives oxygen and glucose to function properly.

a series of limitations due to the size of the sample or to the extent of some potential change in the thinking skills among the participants. However, the specialists added that overweight men have hypertension and a history of heart disease that can put their health at risk. (d, s, id) {
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