What are Mandela's rules for dignified incarceration? | news


The Mandela Rules are a series of rules established by the General Assembly of the United Nations to ensure standards that are recognized as appropriate as regards the treatment of prisoners and the prison administration.

They were so named in tribute to the former South African president, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela who spent 27 years as part of his human rights struggle, l & # 39; 39, equality, democracy and the culture of peace. and apartheid in their country.

These rules of imprisonment with dignity were established on December 17, 2015 and include some 122 standards that revise and incorporate new concepts to those already established in 1955.

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] [19659002] According to the resolution, the basic principles of the norms are their impartial and non-discriminatory application.

Emphasizes that the penitentiary system of any nation should aggravate the suffering entailed by the deprivation of liberty and the dispossession of the right to the self-denial of prisoners.

Establishes that all detainees should be treated with respect and dignity and that no one should be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.

Another of his principles is that he must take into account the individual needs of prisoners . The differences between life in prison and life in freedom should also be minimized.

The purpose of the rules is that the purpose of punishment is the protection of society against criminals and the reduction of recidivism.

According to the preliminary observation 1 of these rules "the purpose of the following rules is not to describe in detail a model penitentiary system, but only to state, from the concepts generally accepted in our time and the essential elements of the most appropriate contemporary systems, principles and practices that are now recognized as appropriate with respect to the treatment of prisoners and the prison administration ". [19659002] They propose the investigation of all the deaths in detention, the necessary independence of the medical staff, a precise regulation of the personal files, as well as questions related to the conditions of work, to the education, to sport and to the contact with the outside world.

>> The 5 lessons of life to learn from Nelson Mandela

These rules, although not mandatory by states, are basic standards that should to guide any application of penitentiary policies in the countries of the world.

The Prisoner 46664

"Madiba" as it was called his country, he spent 27 years as a political prisoner of the government of the United States. era of his nation, which made him become in a figure fighting against apartheid.

His life as an inmate was transferred between Robben Island High Security Prison in Pollsmoor and transferred to the Drakenstein Correctional Center in the Western Cape of South Africa.

Mandela was released in 1990 and in 1994, he was elected President of the Republic, during the first democratic elections in South Africa where blacks and whites were able to vote. Defining definitively the end of apartheid.

>> Mandela, the man who revolutionized South Africa with peace

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