what they are and how they work


YouTube wants to make it easier to search for videos, so it decided to implement hashtags as we can read in Engadget. To be able to add one or more hashtags you must respect the standards of the community these standards were published on the Google support page.

What ] hashtags

The hashtags are useful for to facilitate video search . They can be used in two ways. The first is to search for the content that interests you by writing the hashtag . The second one, just click on the hashtag of the title or description of the video to see all the related videos that have been recently uploaded.

How to add hashtags

Add hashtags is very easy, Once you download the video, just enter the hashtag in the title and description, for example : #android, #games. Very important, can not include two words, if it is, we must join them: #dospalabras (good), #dos palabras (bad).

The hashtags you put in the title and description in turn, they work as links, if you click on one, you will have access to corresponding search results that use the same hashtag [19659002]. You can put hashtags in both the title and the description you are not limited to one of the two fields.

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