What to do to control the hangover?


Hangover is a state of dehydration in the body and brain that has consequences such as hypersensitivity to light and sound, headaches, anxiety, and Irritability, fatigue, blurred vision, vomiting and discomfort. Its cause is the decomposition of substances such as acetaldehyde, histamine and methanol, present in beverages. When they break down, these substances generate some intoxication that is often known as a hangover.

Among the recommended preventive measures to treat hangover are:

– Do not mix different types of alcoholic beverages.

– Specialists recommend that whenever you know you are going to drink alcohol, make a meal that has a noticeable presence of fatty foods that contribute to the absorption of the drink. Therefore, never try to drink alcohol on an empty stomach.

– Drinking water between glass and glass is also considered an effective option to stop the possible onset of hangovers.

– Avoid during the hangover to continue drinking more alcohol, as this will only delay recovery.

– Do not take any medicine that contains acetaminophen because it can cause liver damage when it is combined with alcohol.

– Recovery from a hangover is usually just a matter of time. Most disappear after 24 hours. Experts recommend sleeping a lot.

– There are many home remedies for dealing with hangovers, but scientific evidence of their effectiveness, in general, is rare.

Some supplements help reduce specific symptoms such as headaches or vomiting. However, they are not effective in alleviating others, such as drowsiness and fatigue.


65% of people who have a hangover suffer from headaches. , launched a study on psychobiology conducted at the University of Keele, UK. 60% of hangovers suffer from discomfort and 36% give them diarrhea.

Key Questions

Is it possible to prevent a hangover? YES. Drinking slowly means that alcohol passes into the bloodstream little by little, in addition, feeding before and during the consumption of alcoholic beverages, is ideal to protect your body against other damage.

Does everyone suffer? NO. There are fortunes immune to hangovers. According to a study from the School of Public Health at Boston University, 23% of the population offers resistance to alcohol. While in people who suffer from hypertension and migraine usually occurs more easily.

Does Coffee on Hangover Day Help Recovery? NO. Drinking coffee the day you have a hangover does not help to improve the situation. On the contrary, since coffee is a gastric stimulant, it can aggravate the pain in the stomach. It is advisable to rest and wait until its effect passes.

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