WhatsApp tip to find out where your friends are


A few months ago, WhatsApp developers added a new option or smart which allows users to know the place of your friends, a feature that few people know how to use and that we will teach you today.

This WhatsApp feature was originally created for parents concerned about where their children were; However, many users use it to find out where their friends are. real time.

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Most of these WhatsApp users are tired of having their latest friends lie to them about their current location. Through the courier application, they can know where they are and there is no way to lie.

If you want to know the location of your friends, just have them open WhatsApp and then select the "Join" icon. Then, they must press "Place" and finally choose "Send my current place".

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After that, you will receive the exact WhatsApp details of where your friend is. He will not be able to lie to you if he is late for a meeting. If you want to know more details, do not hesitate to check the following points video.

Source: www.msn.com

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