WhatsApp warns already when a message has been returned


By estrategiaynegocios.net

The latest update of the WhatsApp application has a new component when reading messages.

Now the application says "Forwarded" before a message bounced between users.

The idea is to inform if the message has been copied from another cat. For example, if you go from the group of your job to an external person or vice versa, whoever reads it will know that it is not something written by the owner, but by somebody else. d & # 39; other.

"We believe that these changes will continue to help maintain the original design of WhatsApp so that it remains a private messaging application," the company says in its blog.

This measure is a plan that aims to fight against spam and false news, a problem that worries every time more to this network.

In addition, it prevents users from forwarding messages to more than 20 groups at the same time.

This is one of four new policies that WhatsApp wants to put in place this year. It is also planned to create a new payment system, and offer the possibility of making group video calls, as well as stickers to decorate the messages.

With this system, WhatsApp aims to facilitate the identification of message strings and leave the receiver if the information received is original.

While it is true that we will see on the screen that the message has been transferred, you can not see who created the original content.

Also, the system will not alert you either about whether your own message has been transmitted although it is possible that it will change in future updates because that the company commented that it will continue to "improve" the application

but the new option only works if the user sends the message using the "Resend" function (which appears when you click on the message). If the text is copied and pasted directly, the system will not be able to detect if it has been transferred.

Images can also be transferred using the "copy / paste" option, but not the audios.

As we add new features, we have taken the precaution of trying to maintain that sense of intimacy that people say they love, "said the company . [ad_2]
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