WhatsApp will fight the "false news" with a new tool



The proliferation of false news or "false news" through social networks or courier services does not leave indifferent to WhatsApp which announced the development a tool that helps users detect this class is misleading information.

According to a publication that lists the Dominican Listin Diario, the new tool calls Detection of Suspicious Links ("Suspicious Link Detection") ", in English) and will allow users to 39 Analyze the content of a link that they have received through a message, so be able to check if the content they are connecting to is dangerous.

WhatsApp will give you up to $ 50,000 to help fight the "fake news."

Once you receive a suspicious link, the app issues an alert labeled in red in the message.If the user insists to open the link, he or she will receive a second, more explicit notification, warning that "this link contains unusual characters; maybe tries to show itself as a different website "

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