WhatsApp will warn its users of "false news"


By estrategiaynegocios.net

WhatsApp will identify by means of an alert the "False News", when a link contains strange characters or an unusual feature that looks like his original account to try to achieve some sort of deception or scam, will be blocked and reported.

Cyber ​​criminals attempt to create fake websites by changing a letter or adding a symbol. Cases like this have been seen in banks or companies with a high reputation. The intention is to keep the original facade and to try to persuade the user to fill in and steal his personal data

The new function will show the user a legend which says "suspicious link" when a link is received with the aforementioned features. . And not only have an alert, but two, to protect the integrity of the user at all times.

The goal of WhatsApp is to raise awareness about how "innocent" links can trigger millions of problems for anyone. 19659003] The new tool, which will be completely free, will arrive through the WhatsApp application updates in a progressive manner to all users in the world.

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