WhatsApp will warn you when a message contains a virus or is a scam


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(Caracas, July 07. News24) .- The most widely used online messaging application in the world has become an ideal breeding ground for criminals Month after month you will discover chain messages or online scams that spread from one contact to another, spreading exponentially around the globe.

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For all this, the company is behind all this type of content and it seems that soon we will have a new feature in our hands to try to curb these messages. As explained by the portal Wabetainfo (specializing in the application and which advances the news before the company itself makes them public), began to implement a function by which in case of "suspicious" content "in the form of viruses or possible scam, warns the recipient. Specifically, it is implemented in Beta 2.18.204, and works on the basis of an automatic detection program.

In this way, the message in question will be accompanied by the warning in red with the text "suspicious link", although the user will decide whether to click on the link; that is, WhatsApp will not delete part of the conversation under any circumstances.

There is still no date for this new feature to reach smartphones around the world because it will have to pass the relevant tests. This would be a first step for the company to end up with one of the darkest sides of the online territory.

According to the information from abc.es

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