Why did the exclusive Burberry brand burn $ 33.7 million in clothing, accessories and perfumes?


  Burberry Coat and Bag

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Counterfeiters are one of the culprits of the decision of the British fashion house to destroy some of its products.

Burberry, the British brand recognized by the raincoat used by British soldiers in both world wars, is doing something unusual to take care of their brand for a few years: burning products.

In 2017, it is estimated that the British fashion house burned US $ [19659006] 33.7 million in clothing, accessories and perfumes . Over the past five years, the number of destroyed products has risen to 116.8 million US dollars.

Ben Morris, a BBC journalist, talks with Maria Malone, a fashion specialist at Metropolitan University in Manchester, about this particular behavior. the company.

  Prince Charles and Diane from Wales with Burberry Trench Coats

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Burberry has a real guarantee, a seal of quality in English meaning that his products were used by the British Royal House

In recent years, Burberry has worked hard to re-establish its exclusive brand, after going through a phase in which counterfeiters were affecting their incomes, "said Malone.

For this reason, the English brand has made the decision to destroy products that do not sell so that "the market is not flooded with discounts [productos en]. They do not want Burberry products to reach those who can sell them with a discount and devalue, "says Malone

A company spokesman told the BBC that she had "devised meticulous processes to minimize the amount of surplus stocks we produce".

"In cases where it is necessary to dispose of the products, we do so responsibly and we continue to look for ways to reduce our waste."

Burberry said the energy produced by the combustion of their products was stored. the process was favorable to the environment.

  Prince Harry, World War II Poster, Humphrey Bogart

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Burberry was founded in 1856. Various historical characters used their products, from Prince Harry to actor Humphrey Bogart and the British Army in the First and Second World War

Alliances and Excess

2017, however, was an unusual year for the company. Burberry has made an alliance with Coty's multinational beauty products to produce fragrances of the English brand.

According to the Financial Index The Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Burberry had to destroy a surplus of goods valued in US $ 12.9 million ] on behalf of this alliance, mainly perfumes.

Last November, Burberry announced a renewal to "revitalize" its products, closing stores that are not in "strategic" locations and creating an "excellence center" for luxury leather goods. [19659005] They also cut costs, to increase profits, and at the end of the fiscal year to March 31, they reported a 5% increase in profits, up to 536.2 million American Dollars.

  Models Posing Burberry Designs

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With bold colors and designs, Burberry began reinventing iconic garments to attract young audiences.

"Burberry n 39 is the tip of the iceberg "

does this practice.Hillemont, owner of the brands Cartier and Montblanc, had to buy 480 .000 euros (558, US $ 9 million) on his own watches these two der years .

Analysts consulted by the BBC say some parts of these watches would be recycled, but many would also be discarded.

Environmental activists are angry.

"Despite its high prices, Burberry shows no respect for its own products, nor for the hard work and natural resources that are used to make them," said Lu Yen Roloff of Greenpeace.

"The increasing amount of leftovers is aimed at overproduction, and instead of slowing down their production, they incinerate clothes and products in perfect conditions – it's a dirty secret to the industry of the mode, "he said. ] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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