Why do you feel relief after crying? That's the answer


In the end we know that crying is a sentimental reaction of the human being nevertheless, not all tears are equal. Some may be happy, angry, sad or angry.

1. The basal tears

are very small and are meant to keep the eyeball hydrated. They are produced by the lacrimal glands and can generate up to 114 liters per year; These are characterized by stimulating healing and nourishing the surface of the eye.

2. Reflex tears

are those that occur when a person starts to cry because of an allergic reaction or the entry of a foreign element into the eye. These act as a defense mechanism since in addition to sweeping the abnormal element, they also protect the eye against germs and bacteria.

3. Emotional tears

are those that occur when a person starts to cry for anxiety or happiness, and are characterized by a significant hormonal burden. By crying, the human body can eliminate stress and act as a natural painkiller.

In parallel, specialists say that the "lack" of tears causes a condition called "dry eye", related to the obstruction of the orifices and the production of lipid clots. This condition can cause not only the proliferation of bacteria in the eyeball, but also wounds, styes and conjunctivitis. It is usually avoided through the use of artificial tears.

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