With the hoisting of the national flag, commemorative acts of July 5 begin


Caracas.- With the raising of the national flag in the National Pantheon, in Caracas, this Thursday began commemorative events on the occasion of the 207th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence of Venezuela, July 5, 1811.

The Ministers of Defense, Vladimir Padrino López, and Internal Relations, Justice and Peace, Néstor Reverol participated in this ceremonial event; Minister of Popular Power for Housing and Housing, Idelmaro Villarroel; the Minister of Popular Power of Labor, Eduardo Piñate, as well as the head of the Strategic Operational Command of the Bolivian National Armed Forces (Ceofanb), Remigio Ceballos, and other members of the executive cabinet, said AVN.

The Ministers of Culture, Ernesto Villegas; the Minister of Public Works, Marleny Contreras; Dante Rivas, Minister of People's Power for Fisheries and Aquaculture; the Minister of Prison Affairs, Iris Valera, and the Deputy Minister of Internal Policy and Legal Security, Hanthony Coello, who stamped their headings by raising the flag and laying a wreath in front of the Father of the Fatherland's bag. [19659002] During the ceremony, Padrino López urged national unity, since, "it is the flame to face the threats that address them", in reference to the supposed military intervention plans of the Government of the United States announced yesterday by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro.

"The sadness of seeing Venezuelans there for the world seeking to undo and seek intervention against Venezuela is a secret to no Venezuelan interventionist and no plan of interference against the nation ", he said.

At the end of the National Tricolore, the National Constituent Assembly (ANC) will hold a special session in honor of the episode that led to the declaration of emancipation. The conclave will take place at the Federal Legislative Building in Caracas.

Later, a civil-military parade will take place at the monumental promenade Los Próceres, located in Fuerte Tiuna. At the stop, as usual, land and air units will be deployed to protect the national territory, as well as tactical units of the Fanb.

This year, Venezuelans will commemorate the 207th anniversary of the proclamation of the Venezuelan Congress. – officially – its separation from the Declaration of Independence, signed in the old chapel Santa Rosa de Lima

The document, prepared by Juan Germán Roscio and Francisco Isnardi, s 39; is converted to Venezuela in the first country of Latin America and the third in America to declare its independence, preceded by the United States (1776) and Haiti (1804).

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