Woman pours hot sauce into her mistress's vagina


Writing / Criticism

A Dutchwoman was sentenced to 160 days in jail plus 120 days of community service visiting her husband's mistress, who takes revenge spicy in her vagina .

The assailant, identified as Halima, discovered that his wife had been unfaithful for five years with one of his friends, so he raged, he planned with his neighbor a terrifying means of revenge.

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The two two women invented an excuse for the lover to come to the couple's house, and once there they were successful to attach it:

the wife of the unfaithful shaved the hair of the lover beat her and anointed her 'sambal "In the vagina, a very spicy sauce or pasta typical of Indonesia, made with

In court, the woman said that she would forgive her husband's infidelity, because she deserved a second chance, being the father of her children.

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