Workers in the electricity sector started unemployment for better wages │ elsiglocomve


Electricity workers in Venezuela began yesterday and "indefinitely" a strike of activities demanding better wages, amidst protests that have been developing in the country for nearly a month for these same claims. [19659002] Hundreds of workers demonstrated near the various headquarters of the State Corporation Corporación Eléctrica Nacional (Corpoelec) in Caracas and in other states with placards and slogans demanding fair wages and the recovery of faulty service throughout Venezuela.

Well, today, we are witnessing unemployment with the help of workers at their work, but without working, "said Reinaldo Diaz, member of the Executive Committee of the Federation of Electric Power Workers. (Fetraelec), a Soldier station in the capital

Díaz, who denounced that the service is "abandoned" because of the lack of maintenance and because of the "obs Olivescence of the teams", said that 39, they will remain unemployed and protest until the objectives are reached .

While the union representative Pedro Caguatiga said, of a demonstration in the west of Caracas In the online channel VIVOivez that workers are asking for an income that varies between 8 (288.6 or 16.62 dollars depending on the official exchange rate used) and 18 minimum wages (649.5 or 37 dollars).

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According to Caguatiga, workers in the electricity sector will only deal with emergencies or breakdowns.
Local media also reported demonstrations of electric workers in Miranda, Vargas, Carabobo, Lara and Merida

Protests by failures in public services, besides the light, have continued to occur also in different regions .

In the Venezuelan capital and in Anzoáteg They also protested against power outages and problems with water supply; in Bolívar and Carabobo due to lack of transport units and spare parts for vehicles, while in an area of ​​Nueva Esparta dozens of people demonstrated against insecurity.


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