Ximena Duque and her husband make a radical and unexpected decision


Ximena Duque is one of the most active actresses on social networks since before the birth of her daughter Luna the famous recorded details of his personal life.

In the last days his disciples were worried because the Colombian had been there for a week without sharing anything in Instagram ; situation that is not a coincidence.

Ximena and her husband, Jay Adkins, communicated through a video that they decided to leave social networks for a while.

"I know that part of my career is thanks to you, his unconditional love and the support that they gave me during it, and for that reason I like to share my daily life with you, but right now, I took a break to focus 100% on my family and devote all my energy, both mentally and spiritually, "shared the couple in their social networks [19659005] "I recommend them, I know that social has led us to share our time with people who are far from us and, perhaps, we stop spending time with those who are close, so I motivate you disconnect for a moment to connect to yours! I send many kisses to all, "he concluded.

In their messages, the couple did not specify how many time they will stay away from social networks and encouraged their followers to do the same for those whom they have most: their family ]



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