You lose almost one leg after having a pedicure with an infected cutter


A 35-year-old woman nearly lost her leg after a pedicure where she used "an infected callositis"

She warned other pedicure lovers after contracting an infection that almost cost her a leg. 19659002] Tracy Lynn Martinez, 35, attended a session at her local salon in Winston Salem, North Carolina.

The next day she shivered all over her body, felt nauseated and started throwing up. She tried to sleep but woke up dizzy and saw that her leg had swelled to triple her waist.

Martinez called an ambulance and had a strep infection.

After two weeks in the hospital to stabilize the condition, Martinez was released, with a three-month treatment and compression socks.

"I went through hell, pain, shock, all that … But I want to increase awareness … Say NO to callosite cutters / razors," said Martinez.

Callosite cutters are prohibited in North Carolina, as in many other states.

But even if they are available, they should be avoided, according to Dr. Daniel Aires, director of dermatology at the Health System of the University of Kansas.

"A pedicure may well paint your nails or give you a massage, but it would be very prudent not to do it. is a doctor uses an instru "I think it's hard on my skin," he told the Daily Mail. "

" It is a variant of a knife. It is a medical procedure that carries a risk of infection. In a dermatology clinic, we use sharp tools to remove things, but we clean and clothe them.

"If you want to get rid of calluses, it is better to sand them than to cut them. Or, there are some very safe over the counter creams that contain urea, a natural product. "

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